Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Status 3/8/17

Suffice it to say living through a week of we still don’t know, and we are going to do another full workup of your case was expected to some extent, but is still an addition to the time it will take to get to resolution.  We began this week with an Oncology appointment Monday where we were met with we don’t think this is cancer by a well published M D Anderson professor and practicing Oncologist.  From there went to another thoracic surgeon who is also very widely published and highly regarded in the thoracic surgery community.  He was a little more skeptical, and frankly I can’t say I disagree.  If you handed me the inconclusive lab work of another facility or two not on the same caliber as #1 in the world, I might not want to make big surgical decisions without my own work up of the case.   Essentially if it is cancer, operating creates the danger of spreading bad cells through the blood.  If it is not cancer major surgery is the only choice and since there was just an aborted surgery, that adds to the complications.

So the past three days have consisted of an oncology appointment, blood work, thoracic surgeon meeting to discuss the case, my case being presented as a puzzle to some conference of thoracic people  last night,  another CT Scan this morning, more blood work, and a consultative appointment about a CT Scan guided needle biopsy tomorrow morning at 7, where we once again bat lead off procedure.  Assuming all goes well and there is no lung collapse, that should wrap up at noon or so, and we will be on our way back home as scheduled Friday am.  Our hope will be to get results back on all of that starting next week and then if all is well (no cancer) move into scheduling surgery back in Houston at the end of the month.  If there is cancer we will be working up some kind of treatment plan.

1 comment:

  1. Your pragmatic approach of dealing with all this is amazing. Both you and Kelly are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Looking forward to hearing some great news.


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